Photo FINNish

photo-finish-150Launched in November 2009, ‘Photo FINNish – 60 Years of Finn Sailing’ has attracted widespread acclaim from Finn fans and readers worldwide.

The book brings together a complete photographic history of the class, with images from every year since 1949 along with fascinating and personal accounts from more than 60 exceptional sailors in a unique exposé of Finn sailing and Finn sailors.

Contributors include Paul Elvstrøm, Paul Henderson, Hans Fogh, Valentin Mankin, John Bertrand, David Howlett, Peter Harken, Jose Luis Doreste, John Cutler, Jose Maria van der Ploeg, Henry Sprague, Hubert Raudaschl, Oleg Khoperski, Stig Westergaard, Jochen Schümann, Cam Lewis, Stuart Childerley, Xavier Rohart, Mateusz Kusznierewicz, Luca Devoti, Iain Percy, Ben Ainslie, Gilbert Lamboley, Zach Railey and many, many more.

The book takes the reader from the boat’s designer Rickard Sarby launching the first Finn in Uppsala in Sweden in 1949, full circle through to the 60th anniversary regatta back there in September 2009.


Price: £25 paperback; £60 hardback • p&p extra

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